Grandpa John LANGNER
holding Ray and Marie LANGNER
with Florence ANDERSON in
Florence Dorothy was born in 17 Jul 1918, in Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, to Henry and Pearl (LANGNER) ANDERSON.
"Florence was 'a real talker' according to comments made by other family members of that generation." [*SPB]
She never married and had no children. She lived at 130 Community Drive, LaGrange Park, Cook County, Illinois, and worked as a secretary.
Florence died 15 Mar 1971. She was laid to rest in Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, Cook County, Illinois.
Grandpa John LANGNER
holding Ray and Marie LANGNER
with Florence ANDERSON in
30 Apr 1938
[*SPB Susan Pietrzak Bejnarowicz]
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Our thanks to Dennis Partridge and Marsha Bryant for graciously hosting this LANGNER Family History website on their servers.